Wednesday, December 9, 2009

And you think I'm crazy...

Whilst going around the different repair shops in the south of Metro Manila, I came across a few examples of BMWs undergoing much more extensive repairs and restorations. I have no idea of who the proper owners of these cars are, only that there is some comfort to me in knowing that others are doing the same thing and in a much bigger scale. Among the less mechanically minded reading this, I am certain it all appears as junk.

For instance, in the first two pictures it would have been impossible to have recognized the car as any particular brand, with only the steering wheel emblem being the giveaway. Its actually a '70s era 5-Series and due to the age of the car, it will most likely take at least another year or two to bring it back to its former glory. But I would love to get the chance to see the result. Projects like these are undertaken for the love of cars and not the financial outcome. People think that only expensive cars get this kind of treatment but it will be a surprise to find out that a number of the most common models plying the streets just 20 to 30 years ago have also been extensively restored. Go no further than to any of the local car shows and you will not believe the job some people have done.

Its not my intent to make mine a show competitor but if in the future an opportunity arises, maybe I will think about it. As time passes, its only natural that more and more E34s will cruise up to the great highway in the sky and therefore its nostalgia value will increase.

For now, its best to enjoy it a daily driver just as it was meant to be...

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