Wednesday, December 16, 2009

No turning back...

This truly is a point of no return. Its now been six days since being checked-in to the paint shop and my car has reached what is probably its worst possible condition. With just a few more things to be taken apart, very little of what identifies it as particularly mine remains. I would not hesitate to say it is indistinguishable from any other car headed for the junkyard.

But I take heart from the positives, not the negatives. The work is proceeding very nicely ahead of schedule despite the fact that the shop is full. There are a couple of high-end restorations being done, together with the more typical retouches and accident victims. I actually did not expect that they will reach this stage in less than a week. Even though it may be too early to arrive at a definite conclusion, I am building confidence that I indeed chose the right paint shop. Let's just hope that the weather continues to be fine and dry as it has been the past couple of weeks. Anyway, the rainy season is finished and I think the odds are in my favor.

A much bigger positive is that there is no indication of any rust buildup. Sure there are a few dots here and there, but for an almost 17-year-old car, its amazing to find it this pristine. Which reinforces my belief that I lucked out and picked a very good one. Add to that the build quality BMW is known for and I should be able to continue enjoying its use for some time still...

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