Saturday, April 3, 2010

Adjustments done...

On Friday the week before last, I finally mustered the effort to bring Sergio back to the paint shop for the needed adjustments and finish off the detailing.  These final stages are difficult in themselves because even though the most intensive tasks have been done, its the small things which make a disproportionally large contribution to the final aesthetic result.  Instead of the expected overnight stay, it took almost a week to run through the list of issues which I prepared.  Among them were to remount the front bumper, buff the magwheels for a smoother finish, respray areas with a few paint chips/scratches due to the reassembly, correct some imperfections on the hood, roof, and lower grille plus a number of other things too trivial to mention. 

I was very much satisfied when all of them were fixed just before the holidays started.  My only concern now is how to remove the hardened leftover compound which has built up on the small gaps of the car.  This is an unfortunate side effect of buffing and to remove it is both tedious and difficult.  Because the color of this hardened compound is white, the alternative of leaving them there will be an unbearable sight for me.  The detailers at the shop have given Sergio the once over but it will be up to me to get it done to my standard.  Since I was just staying at home for the Easter break, I have used the time to get started and I am glad to report that progress has been good.  Still, it will be a continuing task for the next few days at least, letting myself work on one section at a time.  Even then, I realize that I will not be able to remove everything inspite of my best efforts as some spots are just too difficult to get to without damaging the surrounding area.  I just hope that over time, they will be gradually cleaned away or if not, naturally darken from exposure to the elements.

I have also decided to leave the car outside for the meantime in order to thoroughly dry out the paint solvents as quickly as possible.  With the current hot summer weather, it really is the best time for this and because of the continuing El Nino drought, there is no real worry about rain.

First, need the dirt to fall on the right places...

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