Monday, November 30, 2009

Mobile phone ringing...

That was Raffy asking me if we can proceed with our meeting at the bank tomorrow morning. I said that if he has already prepared the documents legalizing the sale then we can go ahead. Minor hitch though because the Deed Of Sale he showed me yesterday was not printed clearly. Seemed more like a poor photocopy and I had doubts as the notary public might reject it. I reminded him to get a new set signed. Other than that, the rest of the papers were in order (in my opinion). Raffy says that he can prepare a new Deed Of Sale tonight with all the relevant data filled in. I am always uncomfortable at seeing fill-in-the-blanks on legally binding forms.

Truth be told, I really wouldn't care so much if he gave me a Deed written in invisible ink as long as the car gets to my hands. As they say, possession is 99% of the law. I'm really more of a night person but can't wait for daylight...

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