Monday, November 30, 2009

The renowned Winny...

Winny is the nickname given to my other Bimmer. My naming rights are based on the three letters of each of my cars' registration plate, in this case WNY. Its a 2000 model 323i on an E46 body. Same logic sytem on the BMW nomeclature meaning to say the car is a 3-Series with a 2.3 liter 6-cylinder engine built into the E46 platform. Funny enough, this is not accurate as the engine's displacement is really 2.5 liters. The generally accepted explanation is that BMW gave themselves wiggle room to claim an upgrade as a 325 model later on in the production cycle. So goes Teutonic efficiency for the sake of marketing expediency.

A great portion of what motivates me in doing this blog is that I did not document the process of restoring Winny. Most likely because I did not know any better. Winny was my first European car and when I got her, all I wanted was to get everything up to scratch in as little time as possible. Mind you, my standards can be quite demanding and in the excitement of things, taking pictures and writing about the befores was so much more unpleasant compared to enjoying the afters.

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