Sunday, December 20, 2009

Look what I saw...

While walking around the TST area in Kowloon this morning, I chanced upon this magnificent brute. I noticed it parked under some scaffolding and it instantly crossed my mind that if this were in the Phillipines, cement droppings from above would be used to reinforce the carbon fibre and aluminum bits of the Ferrari body. But this being Hong Kong, there is a high degree of certainty that this sort of thing will not happen as its clear to contractors of the responsibilities they bear. None of this "Park At Your Own Risk" stuff in public roads. Of course, if the Ferrari were parked INSIDE the construction site, it would altogether be a different story.

It would be a great pity if any damage occurred to this kind of car. Had I been fortunate enough to own it, there is no way I will tempt fate by parking on that spot...

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