Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Some goodies have arrived...

Santa, disguised in a green HK Post uniform, arrived a few days early and delivered some keenly anticipated packages to our flat. First came a small box all the way from Latvia. With a return address in northeastern Europe, how could I not suspect that it was sent from the elves' workshop. Or maybe some branch of it as subcontracting these days is truly a global phenomenon. To top things off, it was exactly what I had wanted, a pair of of crystal clear fender lights.

Next came a very big parcel which opened into four smaller ones. Lo and behold, it contained my new headlights! A pair of the smiley low-beams to go with the pair of sealed high-beams, also exactly what I had ordered.

Now if only Santa would listen to my pleadings to erase those charges from my credit card...

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