Thursday, December 24, 2009

More goodies...

Today, Christmas Eve, turned out to be a very nice winter's day here in HK. Clear, sunny, but dry and cool. The sort of weather which makes people go out and do something. It would be a good time to be driving around in a convertible even if a few layers of clothing might be needed.

Unfortunately, the jump from the warm Manila days to the sudden low temperature of the past week has caught up with me and I woke up this morning with a cold. Actually, it wasn't just the weather. I have been out and about almost everyday since I arrived and the season's festivities were capped by a dinner party last night at a friend's house. After going home very late, I could feel that it was not going to be a Christmas at full strength. Another friend is hosting lunch today and I had to beg off at the last minute, for my own sake. Going to miss that special spread though.

But all was not lost. While resting at home, I was buzzed by our building concierge to inform me that three more parcels have arrived. My hood shocks came all the way from Florida, rear spoiler from Taipei, and foglights from China. Together with the previous deliveries, half the world's continents were represented by my suppliers. It amazes me what modern commerce and communications are capable of given the right infrastructure. These days, distance is no longer a limiting factor in terms of access to either buyer or seller. In fact, things have gotten to the point wherein the ones nearest you do not necessarily mean they will be the most cost-efficient option. I still remember the time when in making long-distance telephone calls, not only had callers go through an operator, but it was a given that the farther the other party was, the more expensive the call became. Contrast that to today when calling the US from HK is almost 20x cheaper than calling the Philippines.

Goods and services have become mere commodities, a fact which a number of businesses still refuse to recognize to their detriment. Up to ten or twenty years ago, manufacturers held sway over consumers. In an era when anyone can reproduce anything, the balance of power has shifted towards the consumer. For instance, I visit stores and see big-ticket items which are way cheaper now than when I first arrived 25 years ago. Considering my income level then, its a wonder how I was able to afford necessities such as furniture, food and clothing.

Enough of the economic insights for the meantime. Just want to acknowledge that Santa is really being very nice to me this Christmas, maybe the result of me being a very good boy the whole year round...

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